Robert and Judy have served as the Y@H Directors since 2017. They have two sons and seven grandchildren. Robert and Judy have served the Lord in different churches over the years in many different volunteer roles while Judy has also been a church secretary. Their passion at TLBC is to help our Senior adults come to know Jesus and grow in the faith. They guide our Y@H members to organize fellowships, care ministries, and bible studies. They have a tremendous ability to help keep up with and care for the needs of our Senior saints. Come by the Y@H building and you will find some warm smiles a cup of coffee. When they are not ministering to our Senior saints, you can find Robert on the lake or in the woods, while Judy is either in her garden or sewing. They are originally from Jonesboro Arkansas and explain that “living in Mt. Home is like living in Mayberry without mosquitos!” Both have bachelor’s degrees from Arkansas State University in Jonesboro. A couple of their favorite scripture verses are 1 John 1:9 and Romans 5:8.