Welcome to TL Kids!

Our Kids ministry is directed by Sarah Bailey, pictured with her husband Joey. Sarah loves Jesus and loves kids. She enjoys leading kids to understand who God created them to be. You will find her will a bright smile, a cheerful heart, and twins of her own!

We believe that God made your kids for a specific purpose. It’s our mission to help kids discover the person they were created to be! Join us each week as we bring a dynamic and engaging program to our community of kids at TLBC! Got Questions? Call us: (870) 425-8663.

About TL Kids:

Our Purpose & Goals
  • Gather—we come together to worship and to fellowship in community
  • Grow—we want to be like Jesus by growing and making Christ followers 
  • Go—we share the message of salvation in Jesus wherever He sends us
  • Glorify—we glorify the Lord because that is the ultimate purpose of all we do.  
Sunday Wonder Ink
On Sundays, your kids are welcome to stay with you during Connect Groups or Worship Service. But if you prefer, we offer Kids Sunday School at 9 AM (while adults are in Connect Groups) and Children's Church at 10:30 AM (right after the singing portion of our worship service). Click Plan Your Visit for more info on childcare accommodations.

Each Sunday, our Children's Director will take kids through a new lesson in our Wonder Ink curriculum.

Through these lessons, it is our prayer that kids will be empowered s to understand the fullness of who they are in God's Big Story as they discover 4 core truths:
  1. I AmKnown By God
  2. I Am Loved by Jesus
  3. I Am Led by the Holy Spirit
  4. I Am a child of God
Wednesday Truth Trackers
Our kids meet on Wednesday nights from 6- 7:15 PM in the TL Kids Center (in the Sanctuary building) where they will engage with each other and our carefully selected Truth Trackers curriculum!

Age Range: 
Wednesday night classes are divided into two age ranges: 
  • Tiny Trackers for Pre-K through Kindergarten aged kids will meet in the Preschool/Kindergarten area
  • Truth Trackers for 1st-5th grade kids will meet in the TL Kids Center

About Our Truth Trackers Curriculum: 

Each evening is structured in 3 parts: Scripture Memory, Lesson Time, and Games
  • Kids will dive into Scripture Memory: Truth Trackers focuses on qualitative Scripture memory through repetition, kinesthetic learning, and review, which aids in long-term retention.
  • Kids will get Theologically Sound teaching - Truth Trackers teaches basic evangelical doctrine through daily devotionals and weekly lessons.
Caring Well Safety System
Because we love children and youth and desire to protect them, TLBC requires all staff members and volunteers working with minors to complete  4 Safety Steps before ministry work or volunteer placement.
  • Conversation/Screening Process
  • Criminal Background Check
  • Sexual Abuse Awareness Training with Ministry Safe
  • Policies and Procedures Handbook
Please click here to see our Caring Well Handbook

but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” 

Matthew 19:14

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

2 Timothy 2:15

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God

John 1:12

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most Highwill abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 91:1